Raevyn Sterling

Objects in motion stay in motion...

A wandering Viera who thrives in a whirlwind,
Rae is always on the lookout for people, a party, or a fight

Background photo ©bee32/123RF.COM


Name: Raevyn Sterling
AKA: The Silver Crow, Svala Silfur
Occupation: Bounty hunter, dancer, mercenary
Race: Rava Viera
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship: Single
Age: 48

Likes: Good food, enjoyable people, dancing (professionally and for fun), gardening, tea, whiskey, moving fast and flying, playing games/competingDislikes: Being alone, the smell of smoke, losing, small beds


Striking and naturally graceful, the Viera woman carries herself with the poise of a dancer. Her dark hair is generally cut short with highlights of lighter colors at the tips. Her dark blue-green eyes can be intense and piercing. Her clothing tends to be functional and close-fitting, as she travels often and using chakram as weapons can be dangerous with lots of loose pieces.
On first meeting, Raevyn is polite and personable, skilled in customer service. Beyond that, she is happy to get lost in liquor, though even that doesn’t loosen her tongue in regards to sensitive matters. She expects excellence from herself and those around her and takes failure poorly, drinking to excess or finding fights that she can win to work off her anger.
Her knowledge and capability with poisons of all kinds is vast and deep. She has killed men and made it look like a natural event and she has left behind bloody, vicious scenes that speak of deep violence. In addition, she knows of poisons which can temporarily incapacitate victims to keep them alive for further interrogation. As a part of her upbringing, she learned how to serve customers and has mastered the Kugane tea service ritual. She is also an excellent dancer and has been known to perform for extra coin.
The loss of her family at an early age instilled a deep loneliness in her and this often manifests in a need to find people to attach to. Unfortunately, this rarely works out well as she wants. She has an aversion to fire that borders on fear, especially any flame that seems uncontrolled. Once she is roused to anger, it takes significant time to calm herself. Especially if she is angry at herself.
Whiskey is a favorite drink, though she is content with any hard liquor. She will hum odd snatches of songs when she is deep in thought or concentration. With the exception of liquor, she will sniff every drink before she consumes it, seeking hints of poison.


Raised among a line of capable hunters and protectors, Raevyn’s mother was guardian to a sacred relic passed to the eldest daughter of each generation. The relic granted the guardian greatly expanded knowledge of their area, as if able to see it from a bird’s eye view, and the ability to call down lightning on her enemies. It was an object of power and reverence. And also, jealousy.Halldora, Raevyn’s mother, had a younger twin sister who coveted Halldora’s position as guardian. Birta wanted to secure the guardianship and the relic for her own line. And so when she reached maturity, she sought to become pregnant immediately. Unfortunately for Birta, Halldora had also become pregnant. Halldora’s child was born first and would inherit all. Raevyn was born some few years later. When it became apparent that her older sister, Hrefna, was female, Birta struck. She killed Hrefna and sought to burn down Halldora’s home with Halldora and Raevyn inside. To Halldora’s dismay, the other hunters of the tribe allowed this, standing down to see how the family infighting would turn out.Halldora, grievously injured, fled, taking the relic with her. She ran far, all the way to Kugane. Halldora was able to bribe a tea house mistress to take her daughter in before she died of poison.From then on, Raevyn was alone.While she was not treated unkindly by Misato, the tea house mistress, it was clear that Raevyn was more a servant than a daughter. For this reason her upbringing was centered around learning the skills to be useful: cleaning, laundry, serving. As she grew older, she was taught elegant fan dances and other entertainments that those who visited the tea house enjoyed. She was also charged with listening at doorways and in hidden cubbies, reporting back to her employer about what she heard. Eventually she was taught how to grow, harvest, prepare, and administer poisons and other toxic potions. She learned to use her skills as a dancer to dodge and flow through combat and became an assassin working for Misato.She still works for the woman who took her in, though she travels more now, seeking her own fortunes as a combatant on the Bozjan front, a bounty hunter, and a mercenary for hire. Her life is mostly her own, but she still longs for others to share it with.

OOC Info

Hello! I'm an avid roleplayer, mom, wife, and gamer. I've been RPing on tabletop and MMO platforms for more than half my life. I love collaborating on stories, digging deep for emotional connections (friendships, family, rivals, romantic relationships, it's all wonderful!) I am happy to DM or facilitate your story or work together to make something special. For Raevyn, I am looking for darker themes: organized crime, assassination, combat, pushing moral boundaries. I enjoy playing characters with flaws because they do the most interesting things sometimes because of what they are willing or unwilling to do. It is fascinating and I hope you find it the same.I've RPed in GW2 and SWTOR before, but I'm relatively new to FFXIV. If I'm flubbing the lore, please let me know! Feel free to reach out and say hi.Server: Balmung (willing to travel!)
Timezone: CST. I'm available most evenings and weekends
Medium: I prefer in-game, but I can do discord if a scene runs long or requires it.
Discord: Raevyn Grove#3612 (always willing to chat!)

RP Stipulations

• You've gotta be 18+ IC and OOC. That's a hard limit.• Please communicate with me OOC if there is an issue. I would much prefer to talk things out!• No character death or permanent injury without discussion. Consent is key.• I'm LGBTQ+ friendly. I'm also anti-racist. I'm a woman and a feminist. I ask for respect both for myself and those around me. If you can't do that, we're probably not going to get along.• Dark or mature themes are fine. If I have a problem with something, I'll outline it and we can discuss from there.


Bounty Hunter Does someone owe you money? Did they leave a job unfinished? Did they just piss you off so much you want them incapacitated or worse? Raevyn is perfectly capable of taking care of all of that and more! While she is currently hanging around Ul'dah, she is also known to frequent Kugane and make the occasional trip to Limsa (they have good rum).Hingan Roots Having spent much of her childhood in Kugane, Raevyn feels at home among Hingashi ex-pats and those areas that try to strike that sort of mood. She brews a mean cup of tea and will happily do so at the slightest provocation.Party Seeker Is there a rowdy bar fight going on? A swinging dance party? A group of revelers who are eager to have a good time? Raevyn is happy to be included in all three, even if she gets some bruises. She loves getting together with people and having fun, especially if drinking is involved.Takes a Punch Turning the movements of dance into a fighting technique takes time and dedication, so Raevyn is often practicing her steps and working on attacks and defenses. This is even more effective if she has a partner to spar with. Want to take a swing at her? She swings back.

Geisha offerings

Geisha or geiko are Hingan entertainers and companions, trained in many arts and accomplishments. They are usually hired for company at tea houses, for parties, and other group events.Raevyn was trained in the arts of geiko entertainment from a young age and has retained much of those skills. She is available by appointment as an entertainer and companion. Despite common misconceptions, geiko are not sex workers. Propositions, harassment, or abuse will not be tolerated.Entertainment options include:

Tea ceremony

A ritual meant to encourage mindfulness and inner peace, the Hingan tea ceremony can be presented in both a longer, traditional manner as well as a shorter, more casual affair. In both, Raevyn will prepare and present guests with matcha and sweets. If requested in advance, a tasting menu can be prepared and served before the ceremony.


Whether her guest wants to tell their problems to a sympathetic ear or listen to amusing stories to take their mind off life, Raevyn can provide companionship. Please note, this does not include harassment or abuse.

Fan dance

Armed with a pair of decorative fans, Raevyn will perform a graceful, beautiful dance putting her years of practice and art to work.

Drinking buddy

If you're here for a good time, Raevyn is happy to help. She can hold her liquor and keep up with *most everyone all night long.*Roegadin and hrothgar will drink her under the table, but she will do her best.